"I’ve always thought that one of the the great ...
Lately I've been doing a lot (millions) of calculations involving small NumPy arrays of HST PSFs. Naturally, I wanted to save the output of these calculations to for later analysis. I put all the results in a MySQL database so I could easily select subsets of the data for ...
Update 01/30/2014: Adam has split his gaussfitter
code off into it's own GitHub repository here ("PR's Welcome!"). This removes some dependencies and changes the import statement but as of right now everything else is the same. I've maintained the old links to the original agpy ...
Lately at work I've been thinking a lot about the performance of my code. In the past most of my work fell into one of two performance categories: (roughly) overnight or (roughly) right now. In either case I didn't really care ...
The Moving Target Pipeline group at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland seeks a graduate or undergraduate student for a paid summer internship through the Institute's Space Astronomy Summer Program (SASP). The intern will work with our group to develop, test, and run our software pipeline ...
Earlier this month the wonderful Randall Munroe at XKCD posted this great strip poking fun at the decrease in commit message quality as a project ages.
As the meme goes, "nailed it".
(I did finally get everything to work BTW.)
"If you don't know what a metaclass is you don't need to use one."
- David Beazley
I was shooting some messages back and forth this morning with some current and former coworkers on Twitter on the topic of Python Metaclasses. One coworker said metaclasses was something he'd ...
Because I frequently work remotely as well as run long processes I recently gave up my desktop system at work in exchange for a laptop and a couple of virtual machines. I use the laptop for day-to-day work but offload longer computations or automated processes to my VMs. But before ...
For one of my projects at work I engineered an automation platform for one of our instrument teams. This platform allows us to automatically execute 20+ daily scripts, written in a variety of programming languages, as data is coming down from the telescope. All the scripts for our team, from ...
"Give me a point and I can draw a line. Give me two points and I can draw a curve. That's astronomy." - Anonymous Professor.
Ran the full pipeline the PSF data for the first time. The data are inconclusive.
Haha, oh error bars. Who hasn't made a plot ...